
Whether you have questions about your tax home, need a tax preparer's advice, or seek to educate the recruiters in your staffing agency, we have a consult for you! Our Tax Home Consult for those based in the US is the most popular, but if you’re in the military, Canadian, or representing a staffing agency, please check out ALL the options below and choose the right one for you.

Intended for travelers who have received tax-free stipends or have questions about how to maintain their tax homes. *Highly recommended for new travelers!

The Tax Home Consult is NOT meant to discuss tax preparation or planning. Payment is non-refundable and cannot be applied toward other services. If you need a detailed discussion about your tax preparation, schedule a Preparer Consult below.

We love our members of the armed services, and we realize they have specific questions about their tax home when they’re not away and serving us. It’s our pleasure to help!

This consult is very similar to the US Tax Home Consult, but specifically geared toward Canadian clients who are working and filing in the US and are receiving tax free stipends for housing and food. For a more in-depth consult, see the Canadian Cross-Border option below.

This consult is to answer specific tax questions for clients whose taxes may be a little more complex than most. We can get in-depth on how to start up an LLC and a lot more. This is for advice on tax planning only, and is NOT an appointment to do your taxes.


Canadian Cross-Border Consult

This consult is an in-depth discussion on how to navigate filing in both the US and Canada and transitioning from one to the other.

While this consult is not for the primary purpose of discussing your tax home, it will include a discussion of your tax home situation if you are a traveler.

If you are Canadian and would like a consult solely to go over your tax home situation, choose the Tax Home Consult - Canada option.

Staffing Agency Consult

During this consult, our president and founder Joseph Smith will answer any questions your agency may have. He will also help you determine what further work we can do together if needed, from policy formation to staff training and everything in between!

Already had a Staffing Agency Consult? Book a policy review or staff training session for a more in-depth and personalized experience.