cathie shaul - office manager

Cathie joined TravelTax in November 2018 when TravelTax moved to South Carolina. She is our billing manager but is also executive assistant to Donna Robinson, our operations manager. Her goal is to help the office run as smoothly as possible.

Cathie was born and raised in Port Huron, Michigan. She moved to Greenville, SC in 1996 with her husband and 2 young boys. They started their own cleaning service in 1999 which her husband still runs. Owning her own business allowed her flexible hours so that she was able to be there for her children while they were in school. Cathie and her husband were foster parents for 3 years and had 22 children come through their home. They have very recently become grandparents. Family is very important to her and she can’t wait to make memories with her grandkids. She loves dogs, reading, playing the piano and spending time with family and friends.

We are also very proud of her and her husband and thankful for their service to our country.